Message from my university IT people explaining why Starcraft II wont work on campus, does this sound plausible?

Is changing how the game is hosted even an option ? I haven't seen anything related to this on the SC forums. Right now any multiplayer game I joins lags out and I get dropped right away..but the games do at connect at least, they are just unusably laggy.


The cause of the poor performance for Starcraft 2 is that the residence networks, and wireless, are setup so no device can be a server, it will not allow any incoming traffic. If you are able to change the setting from hosting the game on your local computer to host the game on it may resolve the problem.

Let us know if you have any questions.


Technical Support Representative

If you are able to join, it is not due to the restriction of incoming connections.

Three main possibilities:

  1. The latency of your network connection is to high (ok, that is what lag means). This might be due to some filters in the university (i.e. they scan for P2P packages) which would increase the latency, or you are playing on servers very far away from you. (other possibilities are also possible of course)
  2. Your computer is too slow.
  3. The bandwidth provided for each client is not enough to play (ok, this is pretty unlikely)

Yes, that sounds very plausible. It's the same reason you probably can't ssh into your own computer, even from another machine on campus. A novel solution would be to tunnel out of your network and accessing the internet through said connection. The issue is that the firewall should block any connection to your computer that the machine didn't initiate, so if you hide those initiations through something like an active connection to DynDNS it might work, but I'm not sure. I also don't know the specifics on how you would try that.

However, this should not be an issue for people playing over the same network (like a single campus wireless network, not two different wifi spots on campus) or joining a game, just hosting, so if you can't join a game hosted by someone else, on an outside network, IT is probably lying to you.

My guess is that it is something that your uni IT people have decided to implement. Where I work on-campus we are able to log into and play sc2 (and most steam games) without any problems (i'm not going to say which uni it is either).