Praying hand gestures term or name

What do you call the following hand gestures? Is there any special terms people use to describe or differentiate the two? For example in a sentence:

I saw a nun with her hands ... standing in front of the alter. (base)

I saw a nun with her hands in a palm praying style standing in front of the alter. (colored image)

I saw a nun with her hands hugging each-other standing in front of the alter (colorless image)

both sound stupid, but that is the best guess I can make, and because I don't know the terms, I can't search for it anywhere. so to restate: how do I differentiate the two images below in words?

![palm praying hands]1 [other praying hands]2

Solution 1:

Hands clasped or hands folded work for the one. "Palms pressed together in silent prayer" is probably workable for the second. Having ones fingers steepled makes me think of just the fingers pressed together, like Mr. Burns on the Simpsons when he says, "Excellent!"