Find files/folders that are filling up disk space [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How can I determine what is taking up so much space?

I just had an old server go belly up because it ran out of drive space. I am logged in to the shell, and I'm trying to find more unused files to remove.

Is there shell a command, script, or app that will display the largest files/folders?

Solution 1:

This command will help you find big directories 5 levels deep. It also orders the directories by the size.

I had a similar problem long time ago where apache sessions where filling my disk and slowing down my web server.

du --max-depth=5 /* | sort -rn

Solution 2:

The largest top 10 files and directories with size in a human-readable format:

du -shx /* | sort -rh | head

Solution 3:

The du command will get you this information. For example:

cd /
du -sm *
9   bin
18  boot
1   dev
6   etc
685 export
1   home