Substitution in text file **without** regular expressions

When you don't need the power of regular expressions, don't use it. That is fine.
But, this is not really a regular expression.

sed 's|literal_pattern|replacement_string|g'

So, if / is your problem, use | and you don't need to escape the former.

PS: About the comments, also see this Stackoverflow answer on Escape a string for sed search pattern.

Update: If you are fine using Perl try it with \Q and \E like this,

 perl -pe 's|\Qliteral_pattern\E|replacement_string|g'

@RedGrittyBrick has also suggested a similar trick with stronger Perl syntax in a comment here or here

export FIND='find this'
export REPLACE='replace with this'
ruby -p -i -e "gsub(ENV['FIND'], ENV['REPLACE'])" path/to/file

This is the only 100% safe solution here, because:

  • It's a static substition, not a regexp, no need to escape anything (thus, superior to using sed)
  • It won't break if your string contains } char (thus, superior to a submitted Perl solution)
  • It won't break with any character, because ENV['FIND'] is used, not $FIND. With $FIND or your text inlined in Ruby code, you could hit a syntax error if your string contained an unescaped '.