Google Chrome DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: chrome-extension

Solution 1:

For me it helped to only enable current context in devtools.

Selected context only checkbox enabled

Caveat: It is not sticky. You have to reset it every time you open DevTools.

Caveat: API calls to other domains won't show any errors as they belong to a different context.

Solution 2:

I have filed a Chromium issue about this:

I think the multiple recent reports here look as if this is a new bug coming from an upgrade to Chrome.

It's also happening for me on a React/Webpack project which I'm working on which was building fine without this problem before.

I could not find any duplicate except for an old issue which I don't think is the same.


It's a bug! Partly in Chrome, partly in some of the extensions. It won't affect how the extensions work. The feature which is not working, loading source maps from extensions, should be irrelevant for end users of extensions and it was always not working, it's just that now DevTools is flagging the error.

NB If you are seeing this error for your own source map files when trying to debug under HTTPS... it's a different bug! Which is tracked but may take some time to fix.


If you're happy to lose the extension then as per other answers here, click on the links in the failed messages, then look just to the left of the address bar (not in the main window) to see which extension you need to disable.

enter image description here

If you need to keep the relevant extensions enabled, then either @Webber's answer using Selected context only works well (but it won't stay set when you close and re-open Chrome), or OP @Richard_G's suggestion of a filter looks good (and stays set) - but I found the suggested filter was cutting out too much stuff:

Try just -chrome-extension as a filter instead, as demoed in the images below.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here