Quickest way to find out heroku database size

running heroku info shows:

Data size:      480k
Addons:         Basic Logging, Shared Database 5MB

Data size being the size of the shared database, here with a limit of 5MB.

From the same doc page as posted by nate c:

heroku pg:info

This only seems to work if you're not using the shared DB, but using PG as an add-on

Also, make sure your heroku gem is up to date:

sudo gem update heroku

Any ideas on how to see the size of a shared db? I just did a heroku db:pull and then a mysqldump and looked at the file size, figured that was a good rough estimate.

The new way seems to be:

heroku pg:info -a myapp

You'll see something like:

Plan:        Dev
Status:      available
Connections: 1
PG Version:  9.1.5
Created:     2012-10-19 01:27 UTC
Data Size:   12.1 MB
Tables:      31
Rows:        36068/10000 (Above limits, access disruption imminent)
Fork/Follow: Unavailable

Based on Nate's answer:

For shared DB w/o installing Postgres on your local machine

heroku console

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('postgres'))").first

'postgres' is the name of my shared DB, when I put in template0 or template1 I get the same number back.