Can I give my own MIB any OID that I want? Is there a convention to application MIB OID?

I created a scalar MIB for my application, monitor request_queue_size. I followed the write MIB tutorial . The OID there is a long hierarchical OID. I wonder if I can give a short hierarchical OID like 1.1 . Is there any convention?

My application is hosted on Ubuntu.

Solution 1:

You can have a look at the Cisco Field Manual Router Configuration. It shows you the top-level MIB tree. When referring to OID like:, you are referring to:

So, this is the convention used. Otherwise, you may have conflict with existing MIBs.

Note that your_company is not just some number you can make up yourself — It is an IANA-Assigned Private Enterprise Number (PEN). If your company does not already have a PEN you must register for one.