How can I prevent a site from putting cookies in my site through an image?

I am embedding a photobucket image on my site. Unfortunately, when I look at what cookies my site uses, I find that photobucket has forced their cookies onto my site. How can I remove the cookies from my site?


Here is a codepen demonstrating the issue, and here is the relevant source code:

<img src="">

Is this normal phenomenon? Photobucket seems to put its cookies on stackoverflow when I link the image as well.

Solution 1:

They're not your cookies, they're not on your site, and you have no control over them. They're relating to another domain. They're being added to your browser, not your site.

If you don't want these things to show up don't use Photobucket. When you link to external assets you surrender all control over what those assets might do to someone's browser.