Set colors for terminator to terminal's
In terminator
, the color palette can be edited in the preferences (Right Click → Preferences) under Profiles → Colors:
There are several schemes you can choose from as well as a “Custom” scheme that let’s you edit the palette directly – the “Linux” scheme may be what you want. These settings are stored in ~/.config/terminator/config
, but I advise against editing this file from the command line, too easy to snafu.
Editing the config file is not difficult.
I had to as the 'preferences' option does not show up when I right click. maybe because I set up right click to paste, similar to putty behavior.
Anyway I changed the config from:
palette = "#000000:#cd0000:#00cd00:#cdcd00:#0000ee:#cd00cd:#00cdcd:#e5e5e5:#7f7f7f:#ff0000:#00ff00:#ffff00:#5c5cff:#ff00ff:#00ffff:#ffffff"
palette = "#073642:#d30102:#859900:#b58900:#268bd2:#d33682:#2aa198:#eee8d5:#002b36:#cb4b16:#586e75:#657b83:#839496:#6c71c4:#93a1a1:#fdf6e3"
Which is much better.