I can't move the curser with the up and down and side to side keys in Terminal

Solution 1:

Your previous commands are history. The cursor can only move on the current line. However, you can use the up and down arrows to access your history on the current line.

The cursor will only move on the current line. To access history, you can use the up and down arrow to page through your previous commands. So from the current blank line with the last two commands shown in your screenshot, you would use the up arrow twice to first show the gsettings command and then you would use the right arrow key to edit your previous command (I assume you want to change get to set and then set the value as true at the end of the line).

Solution 2:

You are indeed missing something here. The first "true" on your screen dump is the output of a command. You did not type it yourself.

The second "true" is a command you type at the prompt. Learn about it with the command man true.

Arrow Up will recall previous commands you exeuted. Press it one time, and the command true is on the editing line, press it twice, and the gsettings command is on the editing line.

What you really want to do, I guess, is recalling your gsettings command, then changing get to set and adding false on the end of the line to turn the setting off ("set") rather than reading out its current value ("get").