Video editor with recording options

I'm searching for a video editor which would also allow recording from microphone. It must run in Lubuntu and include 3 features which would work simultaneously:

  1. seeing the video (a moving picture, of course)
  2. seeing and hearing the original audio track
  3. seeing and editing the audio track(s) which I record myself from my microphone

I've already installed many video editors, but not any of them allows me to record my own voice, neither from a built-in microphone, nor from a plug-in one.

I'm not very familiar with all the complicated Linux stuff, so if you do answer, please don't make it too complicated.

Solution 1:

In my opinion, pretty much the best video-editing program available is Kdenlive:
Kdenlive Screenshot

There is Avidemux as well:
Avidemux screenshot

And for Audio recording + editing, Audacity is simply brilliant:
Audacity Screenshot

If you have problems recording, you may need to select your input device. Install the program needed:

sudo apt-get install pavucontrol

You can then open it with pavucontrol, and edit the input devices: enter image description here

The input device that has the green tick next to it selected is the one that is set to default, so is likely to be the one used by the program.

Solution 2:

KdenLive is what you need.

Grab the latest version (17.04.1) from the official website.

Open it up. It will look like this (note my OS is Ubuntu GNOME, not Lubuntu):

Click Settings and Configure KdenLive:

Click Capture on the left, and the FFMPEG tab. Ensure your camera is enabled and set to the right modes. You will probably have to check the "Capture Audio" box, and possibly set the device (green boxes):

Click Monitor and Show Record Control, or Alt+M then H

On the clip monitor tab, up pops a cute lil recording menu.

Right click on the black monitor box, and select "Overlay current audio waveform":

The waveform appears:

As an aside: why do you need this to be one tool? It sounds a little bit borderline "XY problem". You're asking us the equivalent of how to cut the roof off your car, when what you actually need is a pickup truck. If I know your end goal, there might be a better path.

My pronouns are He / Him