How to build cmake-gui on Linux from source?

Two options here:

  • cmake-gui is packaged as cmake-qt-gui. Install it with:

    sudo apt-get install cmake-qt-gui
  • If you really need to build it from source do the following:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get build-dep cmake-qt-gui
    tar -xzf cmake-3.11.0.tar.gz
    cd cmake-3.11.0/
    ./configure --qt-gui
    make -j5

Nothing else depends on cmake (probably) so it's a leaf node. Uninstall the deb. Get the latest source from and unpack the tarball somewhere, cd into it.

./bootstrap --qt-gui
make install

Assuming you have the QT dev stuff installed. You end up with both regular command-line cmake and cmake-qui. Start them from the command line by typing cmake or cmake-gui, I don't know about adding to menus.