What is the reason for the error "Device supports x86, but APK only supports armeabi-v7a"

I am playing around with Android Studio by testing some projects out from GitHub and when I try to emulate the apk, it does not let me choose an emulator.

It tells me:

Device supports x86, but APK only supports armeabi-v7a

Why does it do this?

I had the same problem, I checkout the build.gradle from module:app. It turns out that there's a such config:

    ndk {
        abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

when I commented all out, everything worked fine.

I was trying to deal with the React Native Android project.

Turn off USB debugging and turn it back on the hardware device.

In Android Studio, select the Build menu,

enter image description here

then click Select Build Variant... and in 'Build Variants' window select x86Debug(or release)

enter image description here

PS: Im using Android Studio 2.3 on Mac

On Linux: File > Invalidate Cache / Restart On phone: Instead Charge this device change to Transfer photos (PTP)

I had the similar issue and I've resolved it by adding "x86" value to the "abiFilters" list like below -

[Open build.gradle(Module: app) file ] and search for "ndk" in deafultSection and add "x86" to it!

ndk {
            abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "x86"

Hope it helps!!!