Get all variables sent with POST?

The variable $_POST is automatically populated.

Try var_dump($_POST); to see the contents.

You can access individual values like this: echo $_POST["name"];

This, of course, assumes your form is using the typical form encoding (i.e. enctype=”multipart/form-data”

If your post data is in another format (e.g. JSON or XML, you can do something like this:

$post = file_get_contents('php://input');

and $post will contain the raw data.

Assuming you're using the standard $_POST variable, you can test if a checkbox is checked like this:

if(isset($_POST['myCheckbox']) && $_POST['myCheckbox'] == 'Yes')

If you have an array of checkboxes (e.g.

<form action="myscript.php" method="post">
  <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox[]" value="A" />val1<br />
  <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox[]" value="B" />val2<br />
  <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox[]" value="C" />val3<br />
  <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox[]" value="D" />val4<br />
  <input type="checkbox" name="myCheckbox[]" value="E" />val5
  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />

Using [ ] in the checkbox name indicates that the selected values will be accessed by PHP script as an array. In this case $_POST['myCheckbox'] won't return a single string but will return an array consisting of all the values of the checkboxes that were checked.

For instance, if I checked all the boxes, $_POST['myCheckbox'] would be an array consisting of: {A, B, C, D, E}. Here's an example of how to retrieve the array of values and display them:

  $myboxes = $_POST['myCheckbox'];
    echo("You didn't select any boxes.");
    $i = count($myboxes);
    echo("You selected $i box(es): <br>");
    for($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++)
      echo $myboxes[$j] . "<br>";

you should be able to access them from $_POST variable:

foreach ($_POST as $param_name => $param_val) {
    echo "Param: $param_name; Value: $param_val<br />\n";

It is deprecated and not wished to access superglobals directly (since php 5.5 i think?)

Every modern IDE will tell you:

Do not Access Superglobals directly. Use some filter functions (e.g. filter_input)

For our solution, to get all request parameter, we have to use the method filter_input_array

To get all params from a input method use this:

$myGetArgs = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET);
$myPostArgs = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST);
$myServerArgs = filter_input_array(INPUT_SERVER);
$myCookieArgs = filter_input_array(INPUT_COOKIE);

Now you can use it in var_dump or your foreach-Loops

What not works is to access the $_REQUEST Superglobal with this method. It Allways returns NULL and that is correct.

If you need to get all Input params, comming over different methods, just merge them like in the following method:

function askForPostAndGetParams(){
    return array_merge ( 

Edit: extended Version of this method (works also when one of the request methods are not set):

function askForRequestedArguments(){
    $getArray = ($tmp = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET)) ? $tmp : Array();
    $postArray = ($tmp = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST)) ? $tmp : Array();
    $allRequests = array_merge($getArray, $postArray);
    return $allRequests;

So, something like the $_POST array?

You can use http_build_query($_POST) to get them in a var=xxx&var2=yyy string again. Or just print_r($_POST) to see what's there.