Should I always use Parallel.Foreach because more threads MUST speed up everything?

Does it make sense to you to use for every normal foreach a parallel.foreach loop ?

When should I start using parallel.foreach, only iterating 1,000,000 items?

Solution 1:

No, it doesn't make sense for every foreach. Some reasons:

  • Your code may not actually be parallelizable. For example, if you're using the "results so far" for the next iteration and the order is important)
  • If you're aggregating (e.g. summing values) then there are ways of using Parallel.ForEach for this, but you shouldn't just do it blindly
  • If your work will complete very fast anyway, there's no benefit, and it may well slow things down

Basically nothing in threading should be done blindly. Think about where it actually makes sense to parallelize. Oh, and measure the impact to make sure the benefit is worth the added complexity. (It will be harder for things like debugging.) TPL is great, but it's no free lunch.

Solution 2:

No, you should definitely not do that. The important point here is not really the number of iterations, but the work to be done. If your work is really simple, executing 1000000 delegates in parallel will add a huge overhead and will most likely be slower than a traditional single threaded solution. You can get around this by partitioning the data, so you execute chunks of work instead.

E.g. consider the situation below:

Input = Enumerable.Range(1, Count).ToArray();
Result = new double[Count];

Parallel.ForEach(Input, (value, loopState, index) => { Result[index] = value*Math.PI; });

The operation here is so simple, that the overhead of doing this in parallel will dwarf the gain of using multiple cores. This code runs significantly slower than a regular foreach loop.

By using a partition we can reduce the overhead and actually observe a gain in performance.

Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, Input.Length), range => {
   for (var index = range.Item1; index < range.Item2; index++) {
      Result[index] = Input[index]*Math.PI;

The morale of the story here is that parallelism is hard and you should only employ this after looking closely at the situation at hand. Additionally, you should profile the code both before and after adding parallelism.

Remember that regardless of any potential performance gain parallelism always adds complexity to the code, so if the performance is already good enough, there's little reason to add the complexity.