How to add a body to Angular HttpClient delete function

Our project is migrating to Angular4, and use @angular/common/http Httpclient as the default network tool. But I found there are no body params in delete function. How do I add the body to delete function? Thanks.

You may use a universal request method on the HttpClient class instead. This method has the body in options.

e.g this.http.request('delete', 'url', { body: ... })

const httpOptions = {
    headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }), body: your body data

return new Promise(resolve => {
    this.httpClient.delete(URL, httpOptions)       
                   .subscribe(res => {     
                   }, err => {               

by using httpOptions, you can set header and body in it. please refer this

I also get this problem and my solution is creating a new HttpRequest of delete method, then clone this request, reset its body with your data.

let req = new HttpRequest('DELETE', 'url');
let newReq = req.clone({body: [10]});
this.http.request(newReq).subscribe((res) => {
}, (err) => {

The clone() is required, because the body still can not be directly set in the new HttpRequest().