How do you say 'self-important' when applied to a group of people?

I am writing a text about how the team "Leopard Trek" (Tour de France) is perceived by people in Luxembourg as a 'luxembourgish' team, even though it has an international roster of multiple countries. The only thing it has to do with Luxembourg is the few luxembourgish drivers it has and the fact that it is registered in Luxembourg.

The term I am trying to use is 'self-important', since I think it is kind of arrogant when people here speak of 'Team Luxembourg' or 'Team Schleck'. However, I think that the word would put the critic on the team (which is innocent) instead of the fans.

How would you describe a group of people (or a general situation), that only see their part of a common struggle/team/collaboration instead of thinking of themselves as a part of a whole.

Solution 1:

One word which describes the attitude of the fans in your scenario is parochial when used in a negative sense. Similarly you have provincial

Note, this does not mean they consider themselves self-important but that they are narrow-minded in their outlook towards the whole team and see only their part in it

The definition in this respect


showing interest only in a narrow range of matters, especially those which directly influence yourself, your town or your country

After your comment, I would also add "blinkered" as in having a blinkered view

adj. Subjective and limited, as in viewpoint or perception

"The characters have a blinkered view and, misinterpreting what they see, sometimes take totally inexpedient action" (Pauline Kael)

Solution 2:

The classic term (at least as it applies to people of the same "nationality") is chauvinistic.

It was named after an admirer of Napoleon, who basically thought (and preached) that the French were superior to others.

Solution 3:

Two words come to mind immediately. They are:

Conceited & Narcissistic

I think conceited would work best to represent a group of individuals who see only their own contributions as important.

Solution 4:

Are you looking for the word pompous? Or maybe, self-aggrandizing?

I also suggest you look up self-appointed and so-called to perhaps better express your point of view in the matter.