E-mail signature etiquette with a "With regards," line

What is the more correct use of a "With regards" line with an e-mail signature?

With regards,
[First name] [Last name]

With regards,
[First name] [Last name]

Is there another standard to follow? Does it even matter?

The double-dash delimiter followed by a space before the end of the line lets some mail programs separate the body of your message from body your signature.

Although you are using the signature feature of your mail program to add a standard sign-off, “Regards, <name>”, I would consider it part of the body of the mail.

At least from my perspective, whenever I see this machine added in a separate part of the email away from the text that was written, I know that the “regards” are entirely false (even recognising it is only a token gesture anyway).

I would say the signature should be:

With regards,

[first name] [last name]
[any additional contact or other information]