Meaning of 'She has some mouth on her'?

What’s the meaning of “she has some mouth on her”? enter image description here

The idiom comes from an episode (S03E03) of Seinfeld:

-He loves that pen.
-Come on.
He talks about it all the time.
He goes on and on about how it writes upside down, how astronauts use it.
He never should have offered it.
-He didn't think you'd accept.
-Well, he was wrong.
I know his wife.
She has some mouth on her. She'll tell everyone in the condo now that you made him give you the pen. They're talking about it right now.

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has a [some] mouth in this context seems to imply:

big mouth a talkative person, especially one who lacks discretion.


shoot your mouth off informal also shoot off at the mouth : to talk foolishly, carelessly, or too much about something

She tends to shoot her mouth off.
Try not to shoot your mouth off about this to anyone.

lastly a gossip:

: to talk about the personal lives of other people

They spent the afternoon gossiping on the phone.
They often gossip with each other about their neighbors.

— gossiper noun, plural gossipers [count]

a malicious gossiper.  [][3]