silver_searcher (ag) with multiple search expressions?

Does silver_searcher support specifying multiple search expressions something like -e in grep?

I could not find any option in the document/help.

You might want to search with both Boolean operators:

  • AND: ag -l pattern1 | xargs ag -l pattern2 | xargs ag 'pattern1|pattern2'
    • Add -d '\n' to xargs to handle spaces on filenames.
  • OR: ag 'pattern1|pattern2'

From manual:

-l --files-with-matches: Only print the names of files containing matches, not the matching lines. An empty query will print all files that would be searched.

According to the documentation, it doesn't support multiple search patterns. That said, it does support using parallel, so you can fire off multiple instances of ag for a multi-search:

echo "foo\nbar\nbaz" | parallel 'ag --parallel --color "{}" *' 

The output using the --parallel switch will be filename, linenumber and match. If that's too fancy, you can always use the OR operator in your pattern search:

ag --color "foo|bar|baz" * 

Yes, you can search for multiple patterns by separating each pattern with a vertical line character (|):

ag 'pattern1|pattern2'