Typography in React Material-UI

I've this textbox:

<Typography component="p" className={classes.text}>

I'd like to be able to include paragraphs but all text entered into it gets printed on one line.

The documentation suggests that paragraph is defaulted to false so I must set it to `true.

I've tried the following:

<Typography component="p" className={classes.text} paragraph="true">

I also tried:

<Typography component="p" className={classes.text} paragraph={true}>

Neither work so all my text still gets printed to one line.

How do I get the paragraphs to show?

Additional info: As I now understand, the paragraph={true} attribute in Typography just adds a bottom-margin to the whole text. I.E. my one block of text is a paragraph. If I want another paragraph I would have to add another Typography. Something like:

<Typography component="p" className={classes.text} paragraph={true}>
<Typography component="p" className={classes.text} paragraph={true}>

This is not exactly what I want. Perhaps what I should be aiming for is to have the return characters in my input text recognised. Is this correct and if so, how is it done?

I tried this:

    <Typography component="p" className={classes.text}>

The tag preservers the whitespace and line breaks inside the tags as is.

This is not suitable though. If I have long line the text does not wrap at the Card width. Instead anything beyond the width of the card becomes truncated. Clearly I want it all. I want my text to wrap in the card and also for it to support new lines and paragraphs. How is this done?

A better way is to use power of css:

white-space: pre-line

"New line" character will be respected if you use this css property.

Edit: Help from Ionut-Alexandru Baltariu

<Typography id="modal-description" sx={{ whiteSpace: 'pre-line'}}>

For new paragraphs

  {this.props.text.split("\n").map((i, key) => {
    return <p key={key}>{i}</p>;

For just new lines

  {this.props.text.split("\n").map((i, key) => {
    return <div key={key}>{i}</div>;

I tried your answer and it worked perfectly as needed. However, the console returns a minor error

Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <p> cannot appear as a descendant of <p>.

I improved on your answer slightly by replacing the <p> tags in your .map() with <Typography> and wrapping it all in a <div> instead, like so:

<div className={classes.text}>
  {this.props.post.text.split('\n').map((i, key) => {
    return <Typography key={key} paragraph variant="body1">{i}</Typography>;

(you can replace body1 with whichever variant you want!)

This seems to get rid of the warning for me and I hope works as you intended.