Cant seem to file share between cloned drives

Solution 1:

Cloning is intended to provide an identical copy of the system. That is great for disaster recovery, but not so good for running on another computer unless you perform some extra steps. You have two identical software configurations (possibly even with the same computer name) and that causes confusion.

If you don't want to start from scratch on one of the Macs, you need to rename and reset one of the Macs.

As a start, I would give Macs different names (do this in System Preferences > Sharing). Reboot. Then remove one from iCloud and re-add it. Again, reboot. That may be all that is needed - you will need to tell us!

Those two steps should enable iCloud (for iMessage, etc) and local network services (e.g. AirDrop) to recognise them as separate computers.