My MacBook Has Run Out of Memory [duplicate]

My MacBook Air 2017 13" has run out of memory. I restarted my computer, opened ONE safari page( and got these results.

(macOS Catalina version 10.15.2)

Any recommendations?


Your Mac is designed to use as much RAM as it needs. "Using all the memory" is not a problem in itself, as long as Memory Pressure is green.

If you are not experiencing any problems, like slowdowns, or alerts saying "Your computer has run out of memory", then stop worrying and get on with your work. ;-)

It's worth reading the better and more detailed explanations here:

iMac with 8GB RAM -- memory always almost full

If you don't have enough free space on your system storage volume, then that might cause problems.

(Oh, and stay away from CleanMyMac, too.)