Get nested button id in header

I'm trying to reference my button (which is nested inside my header/nav), to make an event onclick, but I can't seem to get it to work.

Tried nesting getElementByName with getElementById tried some querySelector and querySelectorAll


var x = document.getElementsByClassName('hdr');
var y= x.querySelector('hdrBtns');
z = y.getElementById('singUp');


const brt = document.querySelectorAll('.hdr .hdrBtns');
const dac = brt.getElementById('signUp');

Code Underneath:

        <header class="hdr">
            <div class="hLogo">

            <nav class="hdrBtns">
                <button id="singUp">Sign Up</button>
                <button id="singIN">Sign In</button> 
     <script src="./script.js"></script>

Solution 1:

The NodeList returned by Element#querySelectorAll() or getElementsByClassName() does not have Methods other Elements have, like getElementById() or querySelector().

Assuming you only have one Element with your particular ID, like you should have, just selecting the element by this will work:

let btn = document.querySelector("#singUp")

btn.addEventListener("click", () => alert("test"))
<header class="hdr">
  <div class="hLogo">

  <nav class="hdrBtns">
    <button id="singUp">Sign Up</button>
    <button id="singIN">Sign In</button>
