How to make the 'less' command handle UTF-8?

On my Mac terminal, printing UTF-8 works in general, but the less doesn't work correctly.

So this works correctly:

$  echo -e '\xe2\x82\xac'   

but piping it into less gives something like this:

$  echo -e '\xe2\x82\xac' | less  

How can this be fixed?

For diagnostics:

I'm using Mac OS 10.6.8. less version 418, Terminal 2.1.2 (273.1).

The output of my locale is this:

$ locale

Solution 1:

Okay, I found the answer after some googling. Apparently, LESSCHARSET needs to be set like this:

export LESSCHARSET=utf-8

Now less works fine for me.

Solution 2:

If you can see some unicode characters in less, but are unable to get less to display emoji, try upgrading less to a more recent version. On Mac OS X, I went from version 458 to 481 and that fixed my problem (for example, git log can now display emoji in commit messages).

If you have homebrew, you can replace the system less with a newer version by running brew install homebrew/dupes/less.