Self-hosted, cross-platform repository for large files [closed]

I'm looking for something well suited for syncing folders full of large media (eg photos, music) across several machines, ideally with revisions.

I'm using SparkleShare for text and other small files, but Git is not well suited for managing large binaries, because it wastes time trying to compress them, and it requires, at the very least, 2X + delta space.

I would have both Linux and Mac clients; Android and/or iOS would be a bonus.

If I find nothing else, it may end up being rsync scripts with cron jobs, though I'm not terribly excited about that.

Solution 1:

You'd have to read through the docs to see if it has any revision control, but you should check out OwnCloud. It's basically like any of the other cloud hosing providers, except that you can host it yourself. It also has Mac, Windows, and Linux clients.

Solution 2:

Possibly Unison can help you out with your problem. It has Windows, Mac and Linux clients. But I don't think it does versions. Worth having a look.