AWS API Gateway base64Decode produces garbled binary?

To anyone else having problems with this: I was also banging my head against the wall trying to retrieve a binary image over API Gateway proxy integration from lambda, but then I noticed that it says right there in the Binary Support section of Lambda Console:

API Gateway will look at the Content-Type and Accept HTTP headers to decide how to handle the body.

So I added Accept: image/png to the request headers and it worked. Oh the joy, and joyness! No need to manually change content handling to CONVERT_TO_BINARY or muck about with the cli. Of course this rules out using, for example, <img src= directly (can't set headers).

So, in order to get a binary file over API Gateway from lambda with proxy integration:

  • List all supported binary content types in the lambda console (and deploy)
  • The request Accept header must include the Content-Type header returned from the lambda expression
  • The returned body must be base64 encoded
  • The result object must also have the isBase64Encoded property set to true


callback(null, {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'image/png' },
    body: buffer.toString('base64'),
    isBase64Encoded: true

It looks like this was a known issue previously:

But it should be possible now that they've added support for binary data:

It looks like this is the bit we need: "Set the contentHandling property of the IntegrationResponse resource to CONVERT_TO_BINARY to have the response payload converted from a Base64-encoded string to its binary blob". Then we shouldn't need the base64Decode() function.

Working on a test now to see if this works.

EDIT: I was finally able to get this working. You can see the binary image here:

Here's my Lambda function that returns the base64 encoded PNG as a string:

I updated the method response as follows: api gateway binary method response

I updated the integration response to include a hard-coded image/png header: api gateway binary integration response

The last step was tricky: setting the contentHandling property to "CONVERT_TO_BINARY". I couldn't figure out how to do in the AWS console. I had to use the CLI API to accomplish this:

aws apigateway update-integration-response \
    --profile davemaple \
    --rest-api-id chtskiuzxx \
    --resource-id ki1lxx \
    --http-method GET \
    --status-code 200 \
    --patch-operations '[{"op" : "replace", "path" : "/contentHandling", "value" : "CONVERT_TO_BINARY"}]'

I hope this helps.

Check out this answer. It helped me with exposing PDF file for download through GET request without any additional headers.