PS1 line with Git current branch and colors

Solution 1:

Here is, part by part (and no Ruby):

function color_my_prompt {
    local __user_and_host="\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h"
    local __cur_location="\[\033[01;34m\]\w"
    local __git_branch_color="\[\033[31m\]"
    #local __git_branch="\`ruby -e \"print (%x{git branch 2> /dev/null}.grep(/^\*/).first || '').gsub(/^\* (.+)$/, '(\1) ')\"\`"
    local __git_branch='`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E  s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /`'
    local __prompt_tail="\[\033[35m\]$"
    local __last_color="\[\033[00m\]"
    export PS1="$__user_and_host $__cur_location $__git_branch_color$__git_branch$__prompt_tail$__last_color "

Looks like this (with my own terminal palette):

Colored prompt

Also, see this and this article.

Solution 2:

You can wrap the part that you want in colour with the following:

\e[0;32m - sets colour (in this case, to green)

\e[m - sets colour back to the default

For example, this sets the prompt to the last token of the current path, in green, followed by $ in the default colour:

export PS1='\e[0;32m\w\e[m $'

Other colours are available too. Have a look at this article under colorization for a comprehensive list of alternatives.