An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4
Solution 1:
I had to do it slightly different to work for me:
- rightclick project, remove maven nature (or in newer eclipse, "Maven->Disable Maven Nature")
mvn eclipse:clean
(with project open in eclipse/STS) - delete the project in eclipse (but do not delete the sources)
- Import existing Maven project
Solution 2:
I just went to
->Java Build Path
and removed the blue entries starting with M2_REPO.After that, I could use
->Update Project
Solution 3:
This is all you need:
Right-click on your project, select Maven -> Remove Maven Nature.
Open you terminal, navgate to your project folder and run
mvn eclipse:clean
Right click on your Project and select
Configure -> Convert into Maven Project
Right click on your Project and select
Maven -> Update Project