Mini keyboard has no home/end keys; how to type them?

Some months ago I needed a small keyboard and bought an Okion KM229 without noticing that it has no Home or End key. This makes it tricky to type as I'm so used to using these keys. I haven't yet figured out if there is a key combination that issues Home and End keystrokes. Does anyone have experience of these keyboards and know how to issue those keystrokes? The keyboard is used on a PC running Windows XP.

I have used the contact form on the Okion USA web site to ask this question but received no response.

Wikipedia suggests that Home and End keystrokes are issued with Fn-Left and Fn-Right on some limited size keyboards. However, although this keyboard has a Fn key, using it with the left and right keys does not produce the Home and End actions.

On most small keyboards (including many notebook keyboards) Fn+→ (right arrow) will function as the End key.

Your best shot, in lieu of finding out if your keyboard has a proper key combo for this, is probably to use a program such as AutoHotkey to assign a key combination as a hotkey for the Home and End keys.

For example the following would assign Win + H to the Home key and Win + E to the End key.


Simply install AutoHotkey, save those two lines to a file, HomeEnd.ahk for example, and run the newly created file, this should give you access to the Home and End keys via the hotkeys I mentioned.

Autohotkey also has a "compiler" that can convert a script into an executable by bundling the script and interpreter together so that you only have one thing to execute and don't need to install AutoHotkey on every machine. You could simply have your compiled script on a USB key.

The documentation for AutoHotkey may also be of use to assign the keys to whatever key combo you like.

I had the same problem admittedly with a crappy Chinese imitation of an Apple mini keyboard (there literally is no model or manufacturer identifier on it whatsoever). I used AutoHotKey to map Win-x to End, and Win-z to Home. I had to do a bit more work to @Mokubai's answer in order to make Ctrl-End, Shift-End, and Ctrl-Shift-End work though:

; Home

; Win-z = Home = start of line
#z::Send {Home}

; Ctrl-Win-z = Ctrl-Home = start of document
^#z::Send {LCtrl down}{Home}{LCtrl up}

; Shift-Win-z = Shift-Home = select to start of line
+#z::Send {LShift down}{Home}{LShift up}

; Ctrl-Shift-Win-z = Ctrl-Shift-Home = select to start of document
^+#z::Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{Home}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}

; End

; Win-x = End = end of line
#x::Send {End}

; Ctrl-Win-x = Ctrl-End = end of document
^#x::Send {LCtrl down}{End}{LCtrl up}

; Shift-Win-x = Shift-End = select to end of line
+#x::Send {LShift down}{End}{LShift up}

; Ctrl-Shift-Win-x = Ctrl-Shift-End = select to start of document
^+#x::Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{End}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}

You can use AutoHotKey to bind Win + ( right arrow ) for End and Win + ( left arrow ) for Home keys. You can use following script

#Left::Send {Home}
#Right::Send {End}

Solutions for Windows 10 This is not relevant to the original question but like me, many users will reach here who are Windows 10 users too. There is a simple solution for them in the shape of Microsoft PowerToys. You can remap any key combination with any other. So give it a try. enter image description here