What's the shortcut to Device Manager?

Solution 1:

Click on the Start menu and type (or type the same in a command-line window, CMD.EXE):


Or you can just type Device Manager and it should come up.

Solution 2:

My typical route to get to the Device Manager window is Windows Key + Pause/Break. This will get you to the System Properties window. Device Manager is just two clicks away:

Screenshot of the System Properties window, with tab Hardware highlighted (where the button for starting Device Manager is).

Solution 3:

  1. Create a new shortcut.

    enter image description here

  2. Enter devmgmt.msc as the target.

    enter image description here

  3. Give the shortcut a name. For example: Device Manager.

    enter image description here

  4. Optionally, pin the resulting shortcut to your taskbar for even faster access.

    enter image description here