Macbook M1 crash during sleep mode

These are hard to debug specifically, but if you want to, set up the Mac to save the core dump file (or send them to a network server that collects cores) and use a second Mac to inspect the call trace.


The second link covers how to get the KDK which is the kit that helps debug and log more details. You have a report, but it’s likely there’s not enough detail to trace back what actually happened. Everyone can see the debris from an accident, but all the evidence wasn’t collected by default. The KDK sets up a forensic situation where you could definitively answer what happened after the fact.

On Intel, the nature of a panic is the same at a high level, but very different in the specifics for your Apple Silicon based mini with an M1 CPU. Here is an archived article from Intel days that explains the basics very well. Forgive the kitchen metaphor if you’re well read on machine language faults already or the idea of kernel space crashes.


In UNIX, a panic is an unrecoverable system error detected by the kernel as opposed to similar errors detected by user space code.

The core is not in a logical state to continue, basically. Why did this happen? Odds are it’s hardware putting a value in the software didn’t ever expect to see. Like if you told the code to expect one to three fruits as input to make a smoothie and instead a dead rat showed up to be processed. The kitchen shuts down to figure out what the heck is going on rather than make a dead rat smoothie as previously instructed from one to three fruits.

However, most panics are the result of unhandled processor exceptions in kernel code, such as references to invalid memory addresses. These are typically indicative of a bug somewhere in the call chain leading up to the panic.

So, Apple might make code to say, dispose of dead rodents and then wait for more fruits to make smoothies. Then the next time, a “dead rat exception” would be handled until say 4 fruits show up. Then more handlers need to be written or the kernel changed yet again...

The panic string shows a timeout while waiting for the Bluetooth stack to power down. This is quite likely a bug on Apple’s side and there isn’t much you can do about it yourself beyond reporting it to Apple. If this is reproducible, that’s helpful for us & them to know.

As a workaround, you can try disabling Bluetooth and see if the problem goes away.