Is Chromium installed on my Mac or not?

I have Chrome installed on my Mac and use it as my default Browser. I remember, a few weeks ago I got a notification that said something like "Allow notificatoins from Chromium...". I quickly swiped it away (reflex), so I don't know much about that. I never installed Chromium on my Mac, and I also search everywhere, didn't find it.

I've read on the internet there are viruses that pretend to be Chromium on Macs, that's why I came here.

Now when I wanted to select an application to open a .pdf file, Chromium appeared in the list, see for yourself on the screenshot.

I can't find Chromium in my ApplicationS folderS (both of them), I also can't find it with command+space.

Do I have a virus on my Mac?

Screenshot: Open With menu

Solution 1:

The open with menu just reads the launch services database.

Normally this database self cleans, but can need a clean wipe on occasion.

  • Duplicate entries in "Open With" menu in Finder even after rebuilding Launch Services

Whether or not a virus is installed won’t be determined by this alone. You’ll want to scan for that using a tool you trust or erase install and review all apps and extensions manually if that’s to your taste.