Intel wireless 7260 driver crashes, how do I work around it?

There is a newer firmware file that is supposed to cure some instability. Please open a terminal and back up your current firmware:

cd /lib/firmware
sudo mv iwlwifi-7260-7.ucode  iwlwifi-7260-7.ucode.bak

Now download the newer firmware:

sudo wget

Now unload and reload the driver so it sees the new firmware:

(Note that the iwlwifi module loads either the iwldvm or iwlmvm module depending on the system, so you'll have to remove the correct one before you're able to remove iwlwifi. I've used iwldvm here, but you should use iwlmvm if you get no results from the command lsmod | grep iwldvm.)

sudo modprobe -r iwldvm
sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi
sudo modprobe iwlwifi

There is no need to run sudo modprobe iwl?vm because iwlwifi will take care of that automatically.

See also:
