How to install World of Warcraft?

I need a tutorial on how to install World of Warcraft for Ubuntu.

Solution 1:

Go to software center, install playonlinux, and then once it's installed and you open it from your menu (or alt+f2), click install

choose games, and find your WoW version to install =).

Then follow the on screen instructions. If you get further problems the best place to look is the forums on

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

Yes, it is possible. First Download and install(by double clicking) PlayOnLinux then open PlayOnLinux (Applications -> PlayOnLinux) and click install.

enter image description here

Then select Games -> World of Warcraft and follow the on-screen instructions.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Then run the game from Applications -> Playonlinux -> World of Warcraft