Is there a word for the joy a smart aleck feels when they point out to other people how stupid they are? [closed]

Solution 1:

I'd say "smug" which means self-satisfaction, but is also often associated with a particularly condescending facial expression. And with your specific comment about the smile, something like this:

"His smug smile revealed his pleasure in showing us up as fools..."

Solution 2:

I'd use superiority or self-satisfaction

Superiority's definition looks benign, but it's usual usage indicates something along the lines you're after. See the example of contemporary usage:

He is a narcissistic rogue who is utterly convinced of his own brilliance and superiority to those around him.

Self-Satisfaction's definition looks closer to what you've asked; however,'s contemporary usage examples ironically are more benign. A good example of its use is:

They are so self-opiniated [sic], and so full of self-satisfaction, that it is hard to be patient with them.

In the context, you could also use self-congratulation

Solution 3:

The scenario you describe reminds me of a German word. While it may not be an exact fit, it fits nevertheless.


Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is taken from German and literally means "harm-joy". It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune. It is also borrowed by some other languages.

Solution 4:

Consider self-righteousness, which fits particularly well in your example of baiting religious folks.

The Wikipedia entry also suggests sanctimoniousness, sententiousness and and holier-than-thou attitudes.

Solution 5:

Supercilious may be a fit depending whether or not the person feeling it is actually somewhat more knowledgeable, failing that glib.