What is the meaning of “Can I have a slice?” In NYC?
I spent the day yesterday with some friends in Manhattan. We were in a food commons area of a mall and had just started to eat a pizza when a couple of college age guys stopped at our table and one of them said “Can I have a slice?”
My friend replied “Sure, if you pay for it” and then the guy said “Oh, you’re not from around here” and then he and his friend quickly walked away.
My friends and I are wondering if he actually wanted a slice of pizza or if he was asking for something else. We are all from the Midwest so forgive us if we are out of touch with modern East Coast customs or slang.
So far you have not indicated your gender, and that may have a bearing on it.
edit: It has just been pointed out to me by Shoover that gender was noted in a self-comment.
I have not been back “home” in over 30 years, but when I lived there I was not aware of any hidden meaning to a “slice”: a slice was a piece of pizza, and given that you were seated at food court eating pizza, I would normally tend to think that was all they had in mind. However, I did do some digging, and found a few references to sex (not just Urban).
The Urban definition is just too disgusting and misogynistic to repeat here, and sounds like some teen-aged boys participating in a gross-out contest. Certainly the braggadocio would indicate an immaturity of thought, as well as an outsized opinion of their questionable sexual prowess.
I found this conversation at Word Reference.com
In the movie "Mean Girls" one of the girls tells the other
A: Oh, you'll get socialized, all right.
B: A little slice like you.
A: What are you talking about?
B: You're a regulation hottie.
Answer from senior member Chris K.: "Yes, it's a slang term for vagina."
And in the online Slang Ditionary definition of slice…
"a piece of". Whether it be a person (sexual), or a thing, such as wisdom...
So…if you were just a few guys hanging out, I would discount any double meaning, but if you were in a group of girls, it could be that they were playing with your head, and hinting at a hookup.