How do I move a VirtualBox Windows VM from Windows to Mac

I want to copy a VirtualBox VM from Windows to Mac OS and not sure how to do it. I have researched online and VirtualBox forums only hit one solution that is for a very old version of VirtualBox.

Likewise checked as below:

One recommendation over at Stack Exchange( but it's 7-years old, so not something to trust with much newer versions of VirtualBox.

It's a VDI with no snapshots so it's pretty clean.

I tried one of the old solutions just for the heck of it, namely to copy the VDI to the folder on the MAC where indicated to move it in the old posts and Virtualbox errors out that it can't find the VDI.

The answer was in this post:

It's really hard to figure is it superuser or Mac or whatever.

This nailed it.