What's the meaning of "shide" in this context?

There is a sentence in a book i am reading currently:

‘Doh. I wanna finish this head-choppin’ stuff and leave this shide down.’

The character is telling his mafia boss to go into a place and behead the man they want to kill, but his boss tells him to wait. Afterwards he says this sentence. He is using a slang language as you can see and i couldn't understand "leave this shide down" part in the sentence.

He also says "Bloody shide down" before he swings his sword to kill the man. I would be delighted if you can help me with this word. Is this a slang or deformed word in English? Because its lexical meanings have nothing to do with the context.

Thanks in advance.

I think he's saying 'shite town'. i.e. shit town

That would fit with the context that he had come from another city to do the job and wanted to go back.

The mispronunciation of the 't's and use of 'shite' for shit suggests that the guy is Irish? Or Italian American? Or could he have a cold?