What do you call this type of lock?

More generically, this is a type of "combination lock," i.e. a lock opened by entering a sequence (combination) of numbers.

Are you looking for keypad?

A miniature keyboard or set of buttons for operating a portable electronic device, telephone, or other equipment.

You could call that a keypad lock, but generally one would say it's either "locked by keypad" or "electronically locked."

Where I work we call those locks "cipher locks"

Do a Google Image search on "cipher lock" and you'll get a series of pictures looking very much like the ones you posted.

The most common term for these in the US is electronic lock, but in the UK we usually call them digital locks or digilocks. I think that's a more accurate term, and it doesn't exclude the mechanical type.

The locks in your picture appear to be electronic, but there's a mechanical version that's very common in the US and commonly known as a "Simplex lock." I believe that "Simplex" is a trademark, but I think people in the US apply it to all such locks regardless of the manufacturer. (Or maybe there really is only one company making all these locks.)

An alternate term for these locks is "pushbutton lock" or "pushbutton entry lock".