Is it possible to take multiple tabs out of Safari into a new window?

Solution 1:

It is possible to somewhat replicate the functionality with workaround but this can be considered as a clumsy and non-intuitive way.

It takes advantage on pinning pages. In general terms:

  • pin needed tabs
  • open new Safari window
  • unpin tabs

In order to make it simpler to use from keyboard one can define shortcut to toggle pinning i.e. two operations with same shortcut: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App shortcuts, app Safari, one for 'Pin Tab' and another for 'Unpin Tab', assign same keyboard shortcut (for example ⌥⌘P).

Possible workflow from keyboard:

  • navigate between Safari tabs using ⌃⇥ (Control-Tab)
  • pin needed tabs with keyboard shortcut (for example ⌥⌘P),
  • when all needed tabs are pinned open new Safari window with ⌘N,
  • go through all pinned tabs using ⌃⇥ and unpin them using shortcut.

Solution 2:

No, you cannot do that in one go with Safari like you can in Chrome. You have to first drag out one tab to make a new window, and then manually drag each following tab to that new window.