How do I install fglrx on an AMD Kaveri machine?

Solution 1:

Problem solved. AMD released their Catalyst 14.1 driver with A10-7850K support for Linux. Note that THIS IS A BETA DRIVER, AND IS THEREFORE EXPERIMENTAL. The performance I've got out of it is okay, though. Trine 2, Dota 2, Minecraft (OpenJDK 7), Europa Universalis IV and Guns of Icarus Online all ran reasonably well on 1920x1080 with medium/high settings.


  1. Download the driver from AMD.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Make the new file executable. sudo chmod u+x amd-driver*.run should do the trick.
  4. Install the prerequisites: sudo apt-get install cdbs dh-make dkms execstack dh-modaliases linux-headers-generic libqtgui4 lib32gcc1
  5. Create .deb files from the installer: sudo ./amd-driver*.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/saucy Replace Ubuntu/saucy with your version if applicable. AMD says it's compatible with Ubuntu 12.04 as well, so you'd put --buildpkg Ubuntu/precise at the end.
  6. Do the actual installation bit: sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb This installs multiple .debs.
  7. Optional-ish, initialise the xorg.conf file after restarting your computer: sudo amdconfig --initial -f

And that's that.