Media buttons on keyboard with spotify

I've added spotify preview as my defualt music program, by doing this.

As doug suggested, simply add this line to your >~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list file in two places, like so:

[Default Applications] ... audio/x-vorbis+ogg=spotify.desktop

[Added Associations] ... audio/x-vorbis+ogg=spotify.desktop;

But the media buttons doesnt seem to wanna work. Is there any easy known way to fix this without binding special keys etc perhaps?

This is a known issue with the Spotify Linux client. It's something that the company is aware of, but in the meantime you can use the Spotify Gnome Integration software to get the media keys working.

Edit: Hooray, we added this feature in client version 0.9.4! It should now work, if it doesn't then please post a message on the community forums.