Is there a keyboard shortcut to exit out of the scope of a flash application on a web browser?

Solution 1:

I do not know of a shortcut that will move focus back to the parent window, but if you alt+tab and then alt+tab back real quick, the Flash window will lose focus and you can alt+d or ctrl+t to your heart's content afterward.

Solution 2:

Some background story: this is related to a ridiculous software patent by Eolas that actually has recently been revoked (after some 15 years of trolling) due to prior art being established.

Eolas patented plugins that automatically gained focus, which is why one has to click on e.g. Youtube controls before using them. The videos can autoplay by a technical loophole in the patent that doesn't cover a specific javascript implementation.

This is also related to why plugins can't return focus to the browser by a simple in-plugin button combination.