jQuery when element becomes visible [duplicate]

Basically, I am wondering if there is a way to automatically run a function when an element becomes hidden or visible, not on a user click but automatically in another script.

I don't want this to just run one time, because the elements (such as a slider) constantly change from visible to hidden.

Would this be something that jQuery can do with bind? Such as binding the element's visibility to a function (I don't know how to write this)

If you need me to elaborate more on what I'm trying to do, let me know. Thanks


$('#element').bind('display:none', function);
    //do something when element is display:none

$('#element').bind('display:block', function2);
    //do opposite of function

There are no events in JQuery to detect css changes.
Refer here: onHide() type event in jQuery

It is possible:

DOM L2 Events module defines mutation events; one of them - DOMAttrModified is the one you need. Granted, these are not widely implemented, but are supported in at least Gecko and Opera browsers.
Source: Event detect when css property changed using Jquery

Without events, you can use setInterval function, like this:

var maxTime = 5000, // 5 seconds
    startTime = Date.now();

var interval = setInterval(function () {
        if ($('#element').is(':visible')) {
            // visible, do something
        } else {
            // still hidden
            if (Date.now() - startTime > maxTime) {
                // hidden even after 'maxTime'. stop checking.
    100 // 0.1 second (wait time between checks)

Note that using setInterval this way, for keeping a watch, may affect your page's performance.

7th July 2018:
Since this answer is getting some visibility and up-votes recently, here is additional update on detecting css changes:

Mutation Events have been now replaced by the more performance friendly Mutation Observer.

The MutationObserver interface provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree. It is designed as a replacement for the older Mutation Events feature which was part of the DOM3 Events specification.

Refer: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver

(function() {
    var ev = new $.Event('display'),
        orig = $.fn.css;
    $.fn.css = function() {
        orig.apply(this, arguments);

$('#element').bind('display', function(e) {
    alert("display has changed to :" + $(this).attr('style') );

$('#element').css("display", "none")// i change the style in this line !!
$('#element').css("display", "block")// i change the style in this line !!


changes will be alerted.

Tried this on firefox, works http://jsfiddle.net/Tm26Q/1/

 /** Just to mimic a blinking box on the page**/



Currently the Mutation Events (like DOMAttrModified used in the solution) are replaced by MutationObserver, You can use that to detect DOM node changes like in the above case.

I just Improved ProllyGeek`s answer

Someone may find it useful. you can access displayChanged(event, state) event when .show(), .hide() or .toggle() is called on element

(function() {
  var eventDisplay = new $.Event('displayChanged'),
    origShow = $.fn.show,
    origHide = $.fn.hide;
  $.fn.show = function() {
    origShow.apply(this, arguments);
  $.fn.hide = function() {
    origHide.apply(this, arguments);

$('#header').on('displayChanged', function(e,state) {

$('#header').toggle(); // .show() .hide() supported