How can I permanently disable App Store notifications in Big Sur?

I found it impossible to disable update notifications for apps - notifcation centre does not provide App Store option, disabling "automatically check for updates" only disables checking for OSX updates. Is there something I'm missing or is there a way to solve it in the terminal?

See for a solution to this

defaults write LastUpdateNotification -date "2029-12-12 12:00:00 +0000"

You can use any future date of course :-)

In December 2020 there’s no graphical switch or Apple Store account setting to disable these. I’ve not seen a command line solution, but there is always hope someone discovers one.

The easy way to disable many of these now is to sign out of the App Store app. The notifications are coming from the store and not something the app generates locally. Since they are tied to your purchase history, removing that from the Mac suppresses the account notifications.

I also want to link to this ingenious use of setting a future update time. Super useful if you really don’t want to know any app updates are available.