Printing one Pages-page twice on a physical paper?
Here's a solution that involves an additional saved file and use of the Preview application in addition to the Pages application, but achieves the goal of printing multiple pages twice without duplicating the content within the Pages document.
Unlike Pages, Preview has a "Copies per page" option in its print menu which will print the same document multiple times on the same page. Using this option, you can save the Pages file as a PDF, open that PDF file in Preview, and then use the "Copies per page" option to print the document multiple times.
Note that it is possible to open a Pages file directly in Preview. However, the formatting doesn't always exactly match the Pages formatting. Therefore, depending on the level of document fidelity needed, printing to PDF should be used to ensure correct formatting.
Step-by-step directions
First, save the document as a PDF using the "Save as PDF" option in the print dialog under the "PDF" menu in the bottom-left corner of the dialog.
Next, open the PDF in Preview. Select "2" for the "Copies per page" option. Set the number of copies to the desired amount (5 in your case). Set any other desired print options, then click the "Print" button.
This will print two pages on each physical sheet, as desired.