how to quit sshuttle and get system networking back to normal in VBox

I love sshuttle. My new fav toy. But...when i run from the command line and I use ctl-c to networking is screwed and I have to restart the VM. Using 12.04

Here is how i start from the command line to divert all traffic to a ec2 isntances using a ssh config file.

 ubuntu@ubuntu:~$  sshuttle  -r 0/0

Host *
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile  /home/ubuntu/.ec2/aws_development_oregon.pem the terminal...I use ctrl-c to kill the tunnel. to a failsafe reset from the command line without having to restart the VBox?


Solution 1:

Find the PID of sshuttle using the pgrep command:

pgrep sshuttle

and terminate it using the kill command:

kill -15 <PID>

If you have only one instance of sshuttle running and no other program containing sshuttle in its name, you can use:

pkill -15 sshuttle

To terminate the process.

Restart the networking service specific to you Linux distribution (sudo systemctl restart networking on Ubuntu).

Please note that a saner way of dealing with starting/stopping/restarting daemons would be to create a service file (link specific to sshuttle).