"Nose" is to "nasal" as "ear" is to what?

I suppose the word you are looking for specifically, is "otic":

of, relating/pertaining to, or located near the ear

One could therefore say: "Nose" is to "nasal", as "ear" is to "otic."

Additionally, although "aural" is commonly associated with "sound", "aural" can also be used to refer to pertaining to the ear:

of or pertaining to the ear.

This can be compared to "nasal":

Of or pertaining to the nose.

One could therefore also say: "Nose" is to "nasal", as "ear" is to "aural"

I suggest using "auricular":

Of, relating to, or using the ear or the sense of hearing.

Like "nasal", which is derived from Latin "nasus" (nose), "auricular" is also derived from Latin "auricula" (ear). However, "otic" has a Greek root.