JavaScript conditional switch statement

Is there a way to write a conditional switch statement in JavaScript?

I'm guessing not, since the following is always going to default:

var raw_value = 11.0;
    case (raw_value > 10.0):
      height = 48;
      width = 36;
    case (raw_value > 5.0):
      height = 40;
      width = 30;
      height = 16;
      width = 12;

If not, what should I use instead - a long if/else statement?

thanks :)

Solution 1:

Like this:

var raw_value = 11.0;
switch(true) {
    case (raw_value > 10.0):
      height = 48;
      width = 36;
    case (raw_value > 5.0):
      height = 40;
      width = 30;
      height = 16;
      width = 12;

The expressions in the case statements will evaluate to true or false, and if that matches the switch condition... voilà. The default acts like an else.

Bonus: you can invert the whole logic by simply replacing true with false. With if ... else if statements, you'd have to edit every if-clause individually.

Solution 2:

In a switch statement, the evaluated value of the switch expression is compared the the evaluated values of the cases. So here the value of raw_value (number) is compared to raw_value > 10.0 (comparison expression) and raw_value > 5.0 (comparison expression).

So unless one of your case expressions yield a number equal to 11.0 or you use the switch expression true, you will always get the default case.

Just use a simple if/else instead:

var raw_value = 11.0;
if (raw_value > 10.0) {
    height = 48;
    width = 36;
} else if (raw_value > 5.0) {
    height = 40;
    width = 30;
} else {
    height = 16;
    width = 12;